
microXpace's mission is to put advanced microbial applications at the frontline of the 'One Health' initiative.

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MatasJ September 16, 2024 No Comments

MicroXpace Joins Paris Region Business Club with New Funding

Paris, 15 September 2024 — microXpace, a pioneering start-up in the microbial tech industry, is delighted to announce that its recent application for a subsidy has been successfully granted. The funding, provided by BPI’s INNOV UP initiative in collaboration with the Île-de-France region, marks a significant milestone for the company.

With this financial boost, microXpace has also earned a prestigious spot in ‘Le Réseau Île-de-France Entreprises,’ commonly known as the Paris Region Business Club. This membership is expected to open numerous opportunities for networking, growth, and development within the bustling economic landscape of Paris.

“We are thrilled to receive this support from BPI and the Île-de-France region,” said Vaidas Palinauskas, CEO of microXpace. “Joining the Paris Region Business Club not only validates our efforts but also provides us with the resources and network needed to accelerate our growth.”

microXpace aims to utilize the subsidy to further develop its ChickGalX product, ensuring that innovative solutions continue to emerge from its pipeline. The company looks forward to contributing to the vibrant Parisian business community and forging new partnerships that will propel its mission forward.

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